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  • A - D


    lyrics and music by Buddy Greene


    Now I need a love that'll last all day

    So this morning when I bowed my head to pray

    I gave myself to the Author of love, the One who said,"Love one another"

    And I asked Him to give me His love so I could love my sister and brother

    And since I know His will is to love this world

    Through every man and woman, every boy and girl

    I can rest assured He will answer me when I pray

    With a love that'll last, a love that'll last all day


    Now I've got a wife and she needs my love

    An encouraging word with a kiss and a little hug

    So she can give herself to the Author of love, the One who said, 'Love one another'

    And He is ready to give her His love, so she can be a good wife and mother

    Because she knows His will is to love this world

    Through every man and woman, every boy and girl

    And she can rest assured He will answer her when she prays

    With a love that'll last, a love that'll last all day


    We've got a little girl and she needs to see

    The love of Jesus in her mother and me

    So on the day when she meets the Author of love, the One who said, "Love one another"

    She'll be willing to receive His love and learn to love her sister and brother

    And she will find His will is to love this world

    Through every man and woman, every boy and girl

    And you can rest assured, He will answer her when she prays

    With a love that'll last, a love that'll last all day




    words & music by Buddy Greene


    I'm not so bad, I'm just an average guy

    I'm never sad, sometimes I'm even flying high.

    I make mistakes, sure I do but that never makes me cry.

    I'm not so bad, I'm just an average guy.


    Well, I'm pretty good – at least I'm not as bad as you.

    Sure, I mess up, oh but man, not like you.

    I think bad thoughts all the time, sometimes I even follow through.

    Still I'm pretty good – at least I'm not as bad as you.


    Sure I believe in God, but I don't let that spoil my day.

    In church every Sunday, what more can I say ?

    Oh yeah, at least once a month I remember to pray.


    Well, I'm going to heaven, at least I'm not going to hell.

    God wouldn't do that, well I think I know him that well.

    Besides, don't it say somewhere in that good book

    "God helps those who help themselves" ?

    So I'm going to heaven (I think) at least I hope it ain't hell.


    Cause I'm not so bad I'm just an average guy.

    Well, I'm never sad, sometimes I'm even flying high.

    I make mistakes, sure I do oh but that never makes me cry.

    Cause I'm not so bad, I'm just an average guy.

    Well I'm not so bad, I'm just an average guy.




    lyrics and music by Buddy Greene and Niles Borop



    Well, hello there friend, I have called you again

    To see how you're dealing with today

    I just thought you might need to know I was here

    To love you in a brotherly way

    You can tell me 'bout your pain or tell me 'bout your gain

    Or tell me everything is doing fine

    I just want to be your friend

    'Cause, buddy, you're a brother of mine



    I'm so glad that you called, I was just about to fall

    And I needed a reminder of the fact

    That I've been born again and I'm free from sin

    And I never, ever have to go back

    To the time when I struggled all alone with my troubles

    That's a time that I want to leave behind

    I'm so glad that you called

    That tells me you're a brother of mine



    Brother of mine, there's more to being friends

    Than this ol' world would have us believe

    There are burdens to share, with a lot of love and care

    And time humbled on our knees

    But I think we both know it's the only way to grow

    We've got to learn to lay it on the line

    'Cause you're more than a friend,

    Buddy, you're a brother of mine



    Friend, you really know me well and I'm glad you could tell

    That the Lord really wanted you to call



    Yeah, we both know, brother, there could always be another chance

    Either one of us might fall



    And the next time around if it's you who is down and me who is calling you to find

    That you really need a friend



    Yeah, I'll always need you brother of mine






    music by Buddy Greene



    Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden

    And I will give you rest... rest... rest...

    I'll give you rest


    Repeat Chorus


    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me

    For I am gentle and humble at heart

    And you will find rest for your soul

    For My yoke is easy and My load is light


    Repeat Verse

    Repeat Chorus




    words by Gloria Gaither, music by Buddy Greene


    Come with me and we'll walk by the seaside

    Come with me leave your boats and your nets

    Come with me and together we'll fish for men

    Come with me


    Come with me and we'll sit on the hillside

    Come with me feed the hungry with bread

    Come with me till your spirit is satisfied


    O Come with me don't ever leave my side

    And like a branch abide in me

    O, Come with me


    Come with me and we'll climb up Golgatha

    Come with me bear your cross up the hill

    Come with me through the pain and the agony


    Come with me it is dawn in the garden

    Come with me find the stone rolled away

    Come with me leave the death and the tombs behind

    And find new life in me


    Don't ever leave my side

    And like a branch abide in me

    O, Come with me




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    He was a mean man

    He worked the hard land and it made him tough

    And with his woman sometimes he got a little rough

    He was a mean man

    And then he found love

    He found divine love and it was enough

    To soften up this man who was nat'rally rough

    It took divine love



    Divine love opens up our eyes

    Divine love exposes our lives

    Divine love cleans us up inside

    Divine love


    She was a pretty girl

    She had the whole world at her fingertips

    Knew she could get her way cause she was fully equipped

    She was a pretty girl

    But then she found love

    The kind of love that showed her the ugly truth

    Of how she selfishly used all of her attributes

    It was divine love


    Repeat Chorus


    He loved the whole world

    Every mean ol' man and every pretty girl

    Every pauper, thief and beggar, every duke and every earl

    He loved the whole world

    And so He gave love

    He gave divine love on a wooden cross

    For every woman, man and child He paid the cost

    And it took divine love


    Divine love, right before our eyes

    Divine love, love was crucified

    Divine love, to give us real life

    It took divine love


    Repeat Chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Do you have love for the Lord in your heart and

    Don't it make you want to start singing

    Praises to the One who's brought you this far, and

    Don't it make you want to praise the Lord ?

    Weren't you a sinner and blind from your birth, and

    Didn't He give back your vision, and

    Now that you see He's the Lord of the earth

    Don't it make you want to praise the Lord ?


    He's the Lord of Lords

    He's the King of Kings

    He's the Prince of Peace

    He is everything to me

    He has brought us back from death to life, so

    Don't you want to praise the Lord ?


    Repeat Chorus


    Aren't you a witness to all He has done

    In and around you and through you ?

    Aren't you a part of the victory He's won, and

    Don't it make you want to praise the Lord ?


    Aren't you sent out, commissioned by God

    Proclaiming His love and His mercy,

    Helpin' the broken, the poor and downtrod, and

    Don't it make you want to praise the Lord?




    Don't you want to praise the Lord ?

    Don't it make you want to praise the Lord ?

  • F - G


    words & music by Buddy Greene


    I'm dancing with the angels, I'm singing with the saints

    I feel the Holy Spirit moving in this place


    I'm celebrating Jesus, love like I've never known,

    From the Father, Son, and Spirit, flowing from the throne.



    There's a mighty river

    Flowing from the throne of God

    And from the Lamb

    Flowing to believers bringing life

    To a thirsty land

    Flowing, giving hope to the hopeless

    Freedom from the curse of sin

    Flowing from the God who gives His children

    Faith to follow Him.


    Once I was a helpless sinner. Oh, I couldn't make it right!

    Desperate to fix myself, just stumbling in the night.


    Then - oh, what a faithful Savior! - Christ upon a cross for me

    Promising an endless love and grace to set me free




    There is freedom flowing

    Freedom flowing


    Oh, I want to love like Jesus, oh, but how I need His grace

    To overcome my fears and self protecting ways


    I can hear the Master calling, how I want to follow Him

    He promised the Holy Spirit - will I trust in Him?






    words and music by Buddy Greene


    I looked up one day and I saw three wise men

    Comin' down the road from Bethlehem

    And I asked them "Brothers, where have you been"

    They said "We've been worshipping the Son of God,

    The Savior of all men."


    Well I looked up again and I saw the boy, Jesus

    Sittin' in the temple in the midst of the teachers

    And they were amazed at His understanding

    Cause He was the Son in His Father's house

    His rule never-ending



    We gotta fall down children, worship the Lord

    He's our only Savior

    Fall down children, worship the Lord

    Don't you need a savior ?

    We gotta fall down children, worship the Lord

    Hear that wonderful story

    Fall down children, worship the Lord

    He's comin' in glory

    Well I looked and I saw Him in the River Jordan

    Receiving God's blessing at the hand of John

    Then I saw Him tempted in the wilderness

    But He didn't give in to the enemy

    He was full of God's goodness


    Well I looked and I saw Him on Calvary

    Givin' His life for you and me

    But He rose from the grave on the third day

    And He's up in heaven and reignin' on high

    He's coming back down in the by and by

    If you want to get ready, better hear what I say

    Cause there is only one way.





    GLORIA DIOS (Praise You, Lord)

    words & music by Buddy Greene


    Gloria Dios

    Porque me salvo

    Gloria Dios, el me liberto

    Gloria Dios, quiero siempre adorarte mi Dios


    Praise you, Lord, for saving me

    Praise you, Lord, for setting me free

    Praise you, Lord, I want always to be praising you


    Gracias Dios

    Mi vida cambio

    Gracias Dios, por darme tu amor

    Gracias Dios, te agrade sere siempre, mi Dios


    Thank you, Lord, for changing my heart

    Thank you, Lord, for all you impart

    Thank you, Lord, everyday I will start by thanking you


    Your path is straight, but it's rocky

    And I cannot walk it alone

    But no matter how far I wander

    You're always there to lead me on


    (Chorus 3)

    So lead me, Lord, this is my prayer

    Lead me, Lord, with your love and care

    Lead me, Lord, I know you'll always be there leading me


    You have not promised me comfort

    And there might be suffering and pain

    But a crown of glory is waiting

    All who will live by your holy name


    Chorus 1

    Chorus 2

    Chorus 1

    Chorus 2




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Once there were shepherds out tending their sheep

    On a hill overlooking the town

    They were poor, they were lowly, and quite unexpecting

    When they heard an angelic sound

    Announcing the birth of a Savior, Christ Jesus

    In Bethlehem - who would have dreamed such a thing ?

    And as they looked up they beheld countless angels

    Proclaiming the praise of their King.



    They sang "Glory to God in the Highest.

    Peace on the earth and good will to all men."

    They sang "Glory to God in the Highest.

    Peace and good will to all men."

    When the angels had left them and gone into heaven

    The shepherds decided to go

    To Bethlehem, for they just had to discover

    This place and it's wonders behold.

    They came to a stable and found in a manger

    The Savior disguised as a poor helpless babe

    A holy, unlikely but wonderful King

    Inspiring the praise that they gave

    Repeat Chorus


    Extra Bridge:

    On that night a few caught a glimpse of a Kingdom

    The marvelous kingdom of God it would be

    A Kingdom invisible but to the hearts

    Of the people the King would set free


    Repeat Chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    I've been washed in the blood and I'm fully forgiven

    I have tasted the goodness of my Savior and Lord

    He has brought me from darkness to live in His light

    To love, serve and honor Him with all of my might

    He's the way, truth and light - hope for you and me

    He has broken every chain and led this captive free


    He was born of a virgin like the scriptures said He would be

    Unto those He had created, but who knew him not

    For three years he was preachin', teachin', making enemies

    Finding fellowship with prostitutes, murderers and thieves

    He was nailed to a cross to pay for every sin

    In three days He rose in glory, now He lives within



    God is with us

    Till the end of the age

    He is with us

    Even though the battles rage

    Immanuel - oh how I live to tell everyone

    That God is with us

    Our Immanuel


    Even though He lives within me now my troubles are not over

    In a way they're just beginning, 'cause I follow Him

    In my suffering He's given me the strength to carry on

    In my weakness He's perfected in a way that makes me strong

    He's the rock of all ages, beginning and the end

    My protector, my provider, loving counselor and friend


    Repeat Chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Now, I was a sailor and a reckless sort, and

    I sailed my ship into countless ports

    Looking for a good time, chasin' after thrills

    Lovin' wine and women and my foolish will


    Till I wound up shipwrecked, undone

    Blind and beaten by the deeds I'd done

    I cried out, "Lord, have mercy on me,

    Can you help this blind man see?"


    Then my eyes were opened and I saw my chains

    And I heard a sweet voice calling my name

    The chains were loosed as I fell to my knees,

    for God had rescued me



    Now I raise my song to the Holy One

    To the Father of Love and His only Son

    To the Spirit of Life - the Three-in-One -

    The God who rescued me

    And, for all my days and in all my ways

    May I live my life givin' all of the praise

    To the one and only everlasting Love,

    The God who rescued me

    Then I became a preacher, and I knew my stuff

    And I thought my preaching made me good enough.

    Till I met a sinner and he was saved by grace

    While I was patting my back, he was on his face.


    How quickly I had fallen away

    From unconditional love and grace

    And traded a son's for an orphan's place

    And my self righteous ways

    Then I saw my rags when I saw His cross

    And by His grace I counted His cost

    And all my gains I counted but loss for God had rescued me


    Repeat Chorus




    words & music by Buddy Greene


    I know whom I've believed

    And His name is Jesus Christ

    He's the savior of my soul

    And the Lord of my life

    He died to satisfy His justice

    And His righteousness

    And to give me life eternal

    In His everlasting rest


    Oh, the fullness of the father

    Was found in Jesus Christ

    The creator of all things

    To whom we owe our life

    He gave up heaven's glories

    And became a lowly man

    And He took our place upon the cross

    As God's own perfect lamb


    God's own lamb provided for the world

    God's own lamb, like a rare and precious pearl

    I thank God for a heart to love and eyes to see

    And a mind that understands

    That I'm saved and made alive in Him

    In God's own perfect lamb.



    I thank God for a heart to love and eyes to see

    And a mind that understands

    That I'm saved and made alive in Him

    In God's own perfect lamb,

    God's own perfect lamb.




    lyrics by Tricia Walker & Buddy Greene

    music by Buddy Greene


    Grace for the moment, all that I need

    Grace for the moment and faith to receive

    The promises given to those who believe

    Grace for the moment, all that I need.


    When I fret over outcomes that I cannot see

    It's for certain I'll not have the peace meant for me

    But when with thanksgiving I just look to Him

    He will answer me time and again with




    If I understand faith, it's not counting on me

    It's the hope and assurance of what I can't see

    It's the daily relying on Jesus to be

    Providing more grace faithfully

    Further proving His great love for me with






    lyrics by Buddy Greene and Doug Eltzroth

    music by Buddy Greene


    I got a green tree growin' in my backyard

    It grows so high, seems so easy for the green tree

    Growin' in my backyard

    And there's a lot of birds livin' in the green tree

    Flyin' 'round, singin', eatin' and raisin' up a family

    Seems so easy in the green tree


    And a few things occurred to me while studyin' the green tree

    And considerin' the birds and the way they all live so easily

    And I thought you might like to know

    So I put it in a song just to show

    There's a lot you can learn by simply meditating

    On a green tree - growin' in your backyard


    I spend a lot of time chasin' after little things

    They seem so big and important, but they're really just little things

    Itsy, bitsy, teeny, tiny little things

    And the reason that I know that they're little things

    Is cause the Lord said the birds and the lillies never worry 'bout little things

    What you eat and what you wear, ya know, the little things


    And that's what occurred to me...


    The next time you start to worry

    You better hurry, scurry on out the back door

    And find a green tree growin' in your backyard

    Sit back in the shade, man, you got it made

    God loves you more than any bird livin' in the green tree

    Man, He loves you and He loves me


    additional chorus

    And if God takes care of the birds livin' in the green tree

    Well, it goes without sayin' He's gonna be lookin' after you and me

    But I thought you might need to know

    So I put it in a song just to show

    There's a lot you can learn by simply meditating on a green tree

    Growin' in your backyard


    And that's what occurred to me...

  • H - J

    HE IS

    words & music by Buddy Greene


    Well, He brought out the children of Israel

    He brought 'em out safely, He brought 'em out well

    But the children of Israel put Him to the test

    And they wandered forty years in the wilderness



    'Cause He is the God of Abraham

    'The Lion of Judah and the Perfect Lamb

    He is the Savior of all mankind

    Raisin' up the dead, givin' sight to the blind

    Then He brought 'em on in to the promise land

    He said, "You better serve Me, you better not serve man"

    But their hearts grew hard and they went astray

    And the children of Israel were carried away




    Well the Son of God became the Son of man

    'The word made flesh in a troubled land

    A stumblin' block to everyone He met

    He said, "You haven't understood about the kingdom yet"


    Now He lives on today in the hearts of all

    Who believe in His name and answer His call

    And just like the children of Israel

    We better listen to His word and we better listen well







    words and music by Buddy Greene


    I have called upon the Lord

    In the weakness of my flesh

    and He is there

    I have cried out in the night

    acknowledging my helplessness

    and He is there

    I have fallen on my face

    Under His convicting hand

    and I have known a true repentance

    deep within this sinful man

    And I know when I cry out to the Lord

    He is there


    When I've run all out of answers

    and the questions linger on

    He is there

    And when I've run all out of strength

    and the battle rages on

    He is there

    When I'm forced to wait and listen

    'til I'm still enough to hear

    the reassuring words of Jesus

    telling me my God is near

    Then I know when I wait upon the Lord

    He is there


    There to teach me all I need to know

    to give me all the grace I need to grow

    into a child of God who's planted firmly in His Father's will

    A light shining brightly like a city on a hill


    And in the praises of His people, in a song of thankfulness

    He is there

    In the service of their master, in the name that they confess

    He is there

    Jesus Christ is our redeemer, Son of God and Son of man

    I'll forever sing His praise , 'cause I'm forever in His hand

    And I know when I cry out to the Lord

    Yes I know when I wait upon the Lord

    Oh I know when I sing praises to the Lord

    He is there




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    I don't want to belong to all that you have given me

    I just want to belong to you

    And I don't need to hold onto the things that I should give away

    No I just need to hold onto you.


    I don't want to be blind to the hurting world around me

    I want to do all that I can do

    But if I want to lay hold of the good work that's awaiting me

    First I've got to hold onto you


    I've got to hold onto you in everything I do

    'Til everything I am belongs to you

    I've got to walk straight and true as only you can do

    Through the lives of those who hold onto you.


    Holding on and praying for a miracle

    Counting on what only God can do

    Looking forward to the man I long to be

    Simply holding onto you

    Is simply all I have to do


    I don't need to take on anymore responsibilities

    If they take me away from you

    I can find all the love I will ever need to give away

    When I find I'm in love with you




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    You can feel it at the edge of an ocean

    Or looking up at a star-filled sky

    And in the face of a true believer

    You can see the love in his eyes

    Of a mighty God Creator

    The Father of the only Son

    And when we let Him be our liberator

    Oh what a victory is won


    Holy Father

    Oh Lord what have you done ?

    Saving me

    By the blood of your only Son

    And I can call you Father 'cause you ransomed me

    From all that sin has done

    Oh holy Father and reconciling Son


    There's a life that He wants to give us

    There's a way we can understand

    But only through believing

    Can He lend his helping hand

    He deserves our firm allegiance

    We deserve His holy wrath

    But His grace is ever abiding

    As we walk in the Savior's path




    And Jesus calls me brother 'cause He ransomed me

    From all that sin has done

    Oh Holy Father and reconciling Son




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Listen now children to what I've got to say

    As I recall how the Lord met us that day

    He brought us from the darkness into the light

    So we could serve Him with all our might



    Honor the Lord with all your wealth

    With all the first fruits of all we produce

    Honor the Lord and you will have plenty

    And overflow with new wine


    He's given everything that is good in our lives

    So let us give back to Him our sacrifice

    Of love and obedience to His word

    For by His spirit we all have heard to




    Listen, O Israel, Jesus is Lord

    And His word cuts like a two edged sword

    Commanding us to follow Him, giving our all

    For by His spirit we all are called to






    words and music by Buddy Greene

    When you're walkin' in the Spirit and living in His light

    Shinin' like a beacon in the darkest night

    Knowin' what's wrong and doin' what's right

    Then you're livin' your life in Jesus Christ


    The hope of the gospel - Christ in me

    So full of His love that I will be

    A shinin' light for all to see

    That I'm in Christ and He's in me

    It all started when I took a long look within

    Saw that I was shackled to a life of sin

    But the Savior came and He changed my life

    Praise God for the life in Jesus Christ


    Repeat Chorus


    Now there's gonna come a day when the Lord returns

    A judgement day when the whole world learns

    That apart from Christ there can be no life

    Thank God for the life in Jesus Christ


    Repeat Chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene

    There was a lawyer talking with Jesus

    And the Lord said, "How do you read it?"

    "When you look in the book of the Law, tell me,

    How do you read it?"


    Now the lawyer, he knew his law well

    So the Lord said, "I've a story to tell

    About the things that we do and we don't do

    How do you read it?"


    How do you read it?

    Love the Lord your God

    With your heart and soul

    Love the Lord your God

    With your strength and mind

    Love the Lord your God

    And love your neighbor as yourself

    How do you read it?


    A man was traveling down to Jericho

    A band of robbers met him on the road

    They left him naked and bleedin' and dyin'

    How do you read it?


    Then came a preacher, but he passed him by

    Fin'lly a stranger stopped and saved his life

    Now tell me, who do you think was a neighbor

    How do you read it?




    Now there's a good book, the Holy Bible

    Once you read it, it makes you liable

    For the things that you do and you don't do

    How do you read it?


    So if you're wond'rin', who is your neighbor

    Look around you as you travel and labor

    Everywhere there are people in need

    How do you read it?






    words and music by Buddy Greene


    How long must I wander

    How long must I wander

    How long must I wander

    Before I finally get home


    How much must I carry

    How much must I carry

    How much must I carry

    Before I finally get home


    My brother Paul he prayed three times

    Lord, take my burden away

    He'd suffered so long and struggled so hard

    But all he heard was Jesus say


    My grace is sufficient

    My grace is sufficient

    My grace is sufficient

    And you are never alone


    Just like brother Paul

    We all have our weakness

    We all have to struggle along

    But in God's plan children, we must understand

    Though we are weak, He is strong


    And His grace is sufficient

    His grace is sufficient

    His grace is sufficient

    And we are never alone


    His grace is sufficient

    His grace is sufficient

    His grace is sufficient

    And you, children you, are never alone




    words by Gloria Gaither, music by Buddy Greene


    It's not home

    Where men sell their souls

    And the taste of power is sweet

    Where wrong is right

    And neighbors fight

    While the hungry are dyin' in the streets

    Where kids are abused

    And women are used

    And the weak are crushed by the strong

    Nations gone mad

    Jesus is sad

    And I don't belong



    I don't belong

    And I'm going someday

    Home to my own native land

    I don't belong

    And it seems like I hear

    The sound of a "welcome home" band

    I don't belong

    I'm a foreigner here

    Singing a sojourner's song

    I've always known

    This place ain't home

    And I don't belong

    Don't belong

    But while I'm here

    I'll be living like I've nothin' to lose

    And while I breathe

    I'll just believe

    My Lord is gonna see me through

    I'll not be deceived

    By earth's make-believe

    I'll close my ears to her siren song

    By praisin' His name, I'm not ashamed

    'Cause I don't belong


    Repeat Chorus


    I belong

    To a kingdom of peace

    Where only love is the law

    Where children lead

    And captives are freed

    And God becomes a baby on the straw

    Where dead men live

    And rich men give

    Their kingdoms to buy back a song

    Where sinners like me

    Become royalty

    And we'll all belong


    Yes I belong

    And I'm going someday

    Home to my own native land

    Where I'll belong

    And it seems like I hear

    The sound of a "welcome home" band

    Yes, I'll belong

    No foreigner there

    Singin' a sojourner's song

    I've always known

    I'm going home

    Where I belong

    Yes I've always known

    This place ain't home

    And I don't belong




    words and music by Buddy Greene



    I serve the risen Lord

    I serve the risen Lord

    In His name I pray to love and obey

    And serve the risen Lord


    Repeat Chorus


    He is the great I Am

    The seed of Abraham

    The Holy One, God's only Son

    He is the great I Am



    Don't you know I never had a peace and love

    Like I have today

    Oh, and I wanna serve the risen Lord

    He's the one and only way


    repeat chorus


    He paid the price for me

    On the cross at Calvary

    By His blood I'm saved from a sinner's grave

    He paid the price for me


    Repeat chorus


    Repeat bridge


    Repeat chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Well, I'm gonna praise the Lord with all of my heart

    Then I'm gonna praise the Lord with all of my soul

    I'm gonna praise Him with my heart, gonna praise Him with my soul

    Gonna praise Him could He made me whole

    I'm gonna priase the Lord with all of my heart


    Well' I'm gonna praise the Lord with a brand new song

    Said I'm gonna praise the Lord, sing it all night long

    I'm gonna sing about the way that He opened my eyes

    And the way He taught me right from wrong

    I'm a'gonna' praise the Lord with a brand new song


    Well, I'm gonna praise the Lord with my old "harpoon"

    And Jerry's gonna praise the Lord with the "hound dog," too


    Well, you can worry about love, you can worry about hate

    You can worry about the judgement day

    But you can't praise God when you're worrying away

    So put your trust in His son, He's the only one who can help you through every day

    With His wonderful love and His saving grace


    Well I'm a' gonna praise the Lord every live-long day

    Yes, I'm gonna praise the Lord every step of the way

    I'm gonna praise Him in the morning, gonna praise Him in the night

    Gonna praise Him with all of my might

    I'm gonna praise the Lord for shining His light

    Yeah, and I'm gonna praise the Lord in the middle of the night

    Yeah, and I'm gonna praise the Lord with all of my might.




    lyrics and music by Buddy Greene


    I am dancing on the day that the Lord has made

    I am dancing in this way 'cause I have heard it said

    That the children of the Lord should sing and play and dance in His presence

    And I am acting like a fool in the eyes of men

    But I'm an educated fool and I have learned that when

    I lay down my defenses I can sing and play and dance in His presence



    In His presence there's a joy, there's a sweet release

    Where grown men become boys with a brand new lease

    On this life that is a gift from a Father to His son

    An inheritance of love where all that's ever said and done

    Is in His presence where guilt and shame have no place

    Where the children are forgiven and they finally see His face

    And all that they can do is sing to Him -- sing and play and dance in His presence




    lyrics and music by Buddy Greene


    There's a big crowd gathered at First Church

    They're dressed up and lookin' so fine

    They lean forward in their pews to hear the good news

    And get a handle on God's design

    But outside the need just keeps getting greater

    In a sick old world, tired and sore

    Back inside they give praise, but God must be amazed

    When they don't look beyond that door. Because...

    Jesus has left the building

    He's back out on the street

    He's busy dealing His mercy

    To every hurting soul He meets.

    He's out helping the homeless find shelter

    He's out helping the jobless find work

    He's donating His time to the feeble of mind

    And for this some people think He's berserk

    But He's just helping the helpless find justice

    And mercy in a cold, cruel world

    You see, His heart aches for all kinds of people

    For every man, woman, boy, and girl

    And that's why...




    He meets with His saints on Sunday

    To remind us of all He has done

    To save us from our place of suffering

    To let us know He is the One

    Who has shone His light into our darkness

    And given us all of His blessings so we

    Can be blessings to the ones

    Who need to know God's only Son

    Is in the business of setting people free. And, that's why..




    Back inside some people just keep on waiting

    And prayin' that He would come down

    But Jesus has left the building

    He's out spreading His love all around.




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Well the joy of the Lord is a mighty fine thing

    It's a blessing, what a blessing

    But you won't have the joy of the Lord if you don't confess

    Cause when I kept quiet about my sin I was wasted, oh, wasted

    So I prayed and I asked the Lord to come in

    And I tasted the joy of His



    Forgiveness, O Lord

    O blessed is the man who rests

    In your forgiveness, O Lord

    Now you've sure been good to me

    Won't you give me a clean heart, O God

    Put a steadfast spirit in me

    Let me feel your presence, O Lord

    Take not your spirit from me


    Now David was a man after God's own heart

    But he stumbled, oh he stumbled

    And he tried to conceal his sin but it would not work

    Cause a child of the King is a fragile thing

    And if he don't trust his Savior

    To forgive his sins, well, he cannot win

    And he'll never know the joy of his




    Well He sent His Son to save us

    From the ways of sin and death

    Cause He wants us all to have His heavenly rest

    And He wants us all to know

    The power of His love

    The power to forgive us every one.


    So if you believe in the Son of God

    As your Lord and your Savior

    Then confess your sins and turn from them

    And you will know the joy of His



  • K - O


    words and music by Buddy Greene


    How in the world you gonna know

    When a wolf comes along like a lamb ?

    Telling you the wrong way, saying it's the right way

    How you gonna understand ?


    How you gonna know for sure

    If the preacher is preaching it right ?

    One is saying this and another saying that

    Can they both be standing in the light ?



    Keep your head in the word

    And your heart in the light

    That's the only way you're gonna know

    The only way you're gonna grow right

    The spirit of God is like a flame in the night

    And if you wanna do right

    Keep your head in the word

    And your heart in the light


    How you gonna make your stand

    "When it all comes crashing down ?

    When Babylon is burning and everybody's turning

    Waiting for the final round


    Where you gonna be on that day

    When the clouds come rollin in ?

    When the Lord returns and everybody learns

    The lessons of a life of sin




    You can never have all the answers

    To a great and holy plan

    When you talk about things eternal

    It's just more than you can understand

    But we all have a part in the story

    And we're all a part of his concern

    And the Lord is willing to teach

    Everybody who is willing to learn






    words by Ed Miller, music by Buddy Greene


    Righteousness shall flow like water,

    Peace shall blossom, joy remain.

    Swords and spears be turned to plowshares.

    At thy coming Lord to reign.


    Age of justice, rod of iron,

    Satan bound, thy people free.

    Lions, lambs, and nations lying

    Side by side in harmony


    Earth shall yield a fruitful harvest,

    Bible doctrine all men know.

    Into Zion, holy city,

    Shall all nations freely flow.


    Take thy trumpet now creation,

    Sound aloud the jubilee !

    End of groaning, full redemption

    Earth shall sing her major key !


    Faith shall claim a present foretaste,

    Now enjoy what soon shall be.

    Come and rule my heart, King Jesus

    Take thy throne and reign in me !




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    O Lord, would you make me an honest man ?

    Would you help me to see me only as I am ?

    A poor frightened child always tryin' to withstand

    The temptation to be less than an honest man.


    My friends they all tell me I've got a lot on the ball

    They're just liftin' me up, but inevitably I fall

    Into thinking I'm something special, forgetting who I am

    Lord, without you, I'm less than an honest man



    Lord, I'm lost without your goodness in my heart

    And I'm fooled so easily whenever we're apart

    Lord, it's me who puts the distance between your heart and mine

    When I know a branch will not bear fruit

    Separated from the vine.


    O Lord, would you make me an honest man ?

    Would you help me to listen only to your command ?

    And not to the voice that tells me

    I'm just doing the best I can

    Cause the best I can do is less than an honest man.




    words and music by Buddy Greene




    Lord I want to thank you

    For loving me the way that you do

    Well, you turned me around in the light of the truth

    Lord I want to thank you


    Repeat chorus

    In the middle of the night

    Not a hope in sight

    Lord, you found me there

    With your wonderful light

    And I just want to give you praise

    For the rest of my days

    When I think of the way

    You love me, Lord, I'm amazed


    Repeat chorus


    Every night and every day

    Lord, I want to pray

    Cause you feed my soul

    In the best kind of way

    And when I stumble and fall

    You're the one that I call

    And you're always there

    To help me, Lord, anytime at all


    Repeat chorus

    Repeat chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    There's a fiery cross but it's not the cross of Christ

    And sometimes it smolders and sometimes it rages in the night

    And whether you glimpse it or see it glaring it's a horrible sight

    Cause it has absolutely nothing to do with light

    And it's fueled by a sin as ancient as man

    And in some places I swear it's caused a curse in the land

    It sends up a stench no holy God could ever stand



    And it's man against man, it's black and it's white

    It's man against man, it's wrong and never right

    It's man against man, it's Gentile and Jew

    And when it's man against man

    Lord God, it's man against You


    It's been disguised as preference in our rhetoric and prose

    Dressed up like something else when underneath like a cancer it grows

    And unchecked it breeds corruption beneath deceptive clothes

    In a vain attempt to hide what only the truth will expose

    It's bred in our fathers and passed on to their sons

    In the priveleged, deprived or the genius, or the simpleton

    It can raise it's ugly head in nearly everyone


    Repeat Chorus


    I've seen it in our churches and I've seen it in our schools

    And it's thriving in our neighborhoods and our social party rules

    In Mississippi, New York City, in Capetown or Iran

    Oh, the colors change but the politics are still man against man

    But on a cross of crucifixion 2000 years ago

    Blood was shed for the sins of every man and now I know

    At the foot of that cross the ground is level and there's no


    Man against man, no black, no white

    There's no man against man

    It's wrong and never right

    No man against man, neither Gentile or Jew

    Cause when it's man against man

    Lord God, it's man against You

    God it's man against You




    lyrics by Mark Lowry, music by Buddy Greene


    Mary, did you know

    that your baby boy will one day walk on water?

    Mary, did you know

    that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?

    Did you know

    that your baby boy has come to make you new?

    This child that you've delivered

    will soon deliver you.


    Mary, did you know

    that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man

    Mary, did you know

    that your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?

    Did you know

    that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?

    And when you kiss your little baby

    You've kissed the face of God.


    Mary, did you know?Mary, did you know?



    The blind will see

    The deaf will hear

    The dead will live again

    The lame will leap

    The dumb will speak

    The praises of The Lamb


    Mary, did you know

    that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?

    Mary, did you know

    that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?

    Did you know

    that your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?

    This sleeping child you're holding

    is the Great I Am




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Once a young man heard the call of God

    As he strummed his guitar and sang his song

    And the joy of his salvation and the ideals of his youth

    Made him long to be the minstrel of the Lord


    So, he sang for love of God and he sang of Jubilee

    Of debts being cancelled and prisoners set free

    And whoever loved the truth would be arrested by the words

    In the song of the minstrel of the Lord


    Now the land had been forsaken by a universal curse

    And an enemy was bent on changing good to bad to worse

    As the young man saw the world he loved tormented by the wrong

    He lamented and began to change his song


    And he sang of human misery and all of sin's effects

    From the pain of his conviction to the heart of God's elect

    And whoever loved the truth now heard a warning in the words

    of the song of the minstrel of the Lord


    Now the minstrel, he was honest, he was smart and he was wise and

    In his song could not help but tell the truth about the lies

    Of the enemy, perpetuated on the dying world

    It was the burden of the minstrel of the Lord


    So he sang of resurrection and he sang of victory

    Of love and life and triumph over all this misery

    Oh, he sang for love of God, it was the first and final word

    In the song of the minstrel of the Lord


    And whoever will listen will hear of jubilee

    Of debts being cancelled and prisoners set free

    And whoever loves the truth will be arrested by the words

    In the song of the minstrel of the Lord.




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    I want to know more about Jesus

    I want to know more about His love

    I want to feel the strength of His spirit

    And His peace when the going gets rough


    I want to know what He'd have me doing

    While we wait for His glorious return

    I want to leave my old ways behind me

    And learn what He'd have me learn



    So Jesus, please won't You guide me

    Won't you show me the things I should do

    Cause I tried and I failed

    But now I can see

    That I need to be more

    Need to be more

    Lord, I need to be more like you


    Well, we read about you and the tempter

    And how your truth overcame his lies

    Oh how different than in the beginning

    When we gambled and lost paradise


    Oh, but I've got You walking beside me

    From now 'til eternity

    And while the tempter's still tempting

    I'll never fear

    Cause your spirit is living in me


    Repeat chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Oh Lord, I need your love to be

    Ever in my heart

    And Lord, by walking in your love

    We'll never be apart

    Keeping Your word in all I do

    Is Your command

    And nothing less will do

    Oh Lord, how I need you


    Lord, You convict me of my sins

    And tell me to confess

    And if I do and trust in You

    Then You will provide my rest

    For You are faithful and righteous to

    Forgive my sins

    And to cleanse me from

    All my unrighteousness



    It's not because I know you

    And it's not because I love you

    It's only because you first loved me

    That I've come to know you

    That I've come to love you


    And Lord, I know Your Spirit has come

    And let me understand

    "That if I abide in Your holy word

    I'm truly a part of Your plan

    So help me to be what you want me to be

    That's my request

    And nothing less will do

    Oh Lord, how I need you




    words & music by Buddy Greene


    I had tried all my life to be a good man

    I had convinced everyone but myself

    Where deep inside there should have been light

    There was only darkness

    And where there was only room for myself

    There should have been someone else


    Left to my own devices I built an empty mansion

    A life of accomplishments and altruistic deeds

    But living alone in my stately home

    Brought only sadness

    For I needed love and I needed joy

    But they were not mine to give



    For only God can give us His righteousness

    Only God can give us His peace and rest

    Only God can give us His perfect love

    Only God can save us from all our sins

    Only God can give us the strength to win

    Only God can give us His perfect love


    Now I'm not alone since my empty home

    was filled with gladness

    I'm learning to trust my God and His love

    And not myself

    And though now and then I stumble and sin

    My God forgives me

    Reminding me still that my futile will

    Is nothing without Him.


    Repeat chorus




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Once I was dead, in my sin I was helpless,

    and then in my stead,

    One bled and died,

    and rose to fulfill His promise to those he would save by grace.

    now I praise the One:

    Only one God of grace.



    (there's) One God, of grace,

    One faith in one gospel - only one way.

    One blood, that saves

    the blood of the One who died and lives to give us grace.

    There's only one God, only one God of grace.

    There's One Father in Heaven,

    and one perfect Son

    who was willing to pay the one cost;

    to save one lost world

    and create one new man

    through the mercy of one lonely cross.

    One Lord of life,

    one comforting spirit,

    one name lifted high.

    One love, one hope,

    one people who long to see one Jesus face to face.

    There's only one God,

    only one God of grace !


    repeat chorus


    There's only one God, only one God of ……

    One God …of grace !

  • P - Y


    words & music by Buddy Greene


    (Chorus 1)

    Praise you, Lord, for saving me

    Praise you, Lord, for setting me free

    Praise you, Lord, I want always to be praising you


    (Chorus 2)

    Thank you, Lord, for changing my heart

    Thank you, Lord, for all you impart

    Thank you, Lord, everyday I will start by thanking you


    Your path is straight, but it's rocky

    And I cannot walk it alone

    But no matter how far I wander

    You're always there to lead me on


    (Chorus 3)

    So lead me, Lord, this is my prayer

    Lead me, Lord, with your love and care

    Lead me, Lord, I know you'll always be there leading me


    You have not promised me comfort

    And there might be suffering and pain

    But a crown of glory is waiting

    All who will live by your holy name


    Chorus 1


    Chorus 2


    Chorus 1


    Chorus 2




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    There is a love I gotta tell you just a little bit about it

    It's a really fine love I can't help it,

    I just gotta shout about the love of God.

    Oh listen ! Don't be caught without the one and only,

    Everlastin' love from the Father up above - Real love


    Let me tell ya' real love is like an ocean that'll never run dry

    If it's really real love, well then it's wide and it's long and it's high

    It's the real deep love of a Father who would give His Son

    So He could die for every one of those who are dyin' just to know real love


    Did you know that you could be forgiven ?

    Did you know that you've got a friend ?

    Did you know that He'll never leave you,

    His love and kindness will never end ?

    Did you know He's a faithful Saviour, if you ever get out on a limb

    When you're looking for the right solution,

    You need to know that it's only through Him


    That we find real love

    The kind of love that makes you want to do right

    Really beautiful love... will make you a really beautiful sight to the ones who need love, and

    We all need to see the light of the one and only savin' love

    from the Father up above... real love

    One and only everlastin' love from the Father up above... real love

    One and only everlastin' love from the Father up above...

    Let me tell you.... real love




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    I'm a pharisee in recovery

    With new eyes I can see a big sinner in me

    But it's the way of my human heart

    To confess other people's sin,

    Reluctant to admit my part or the deeper problem within.

    But, thank God, He won't let me be, or remain in my hypocrisy

    Sooner or later I'll be on my knees

    honest to God a recovering Pharisee


    I'm a sinner and a saint simultaneously

    I'm not what I was or what I'm goin' to be

    Still I've got that ol' tendency to be all a wicked man can be

    It takes more than knowin' right from wrong

    It takes more than singin' gospel songs

    It takes the life of the Great I Am to produce any good in me

    He's the Vine I'm the branch and I'm learnin' to be

    Honest to God, a recovering Pharisee


    I need the God of all grace each and every day

    If I'm to run his race if I'm to walk in His way

    I don't have to be a slave to sin I don't have to let the devil win

    Cause the Son of God lives in me and He promises to set me free

    So, Jesus, help my unbelief so I can follow you faithfully

    You're the Shepherd I'm the sheep and you're helpin' me be

    Honest to God, a recovering Pharisee




    Words by Rusty Ingraham, music by Buddy Greene


    Roll on, Yellow River, roll along

    I'm just here to reminisce

    Wet my feet and watch you run

    Don't you ever just get tired

    We've been running for so long

    Let me rest here for awhile and play my song


    Let me dream here in your shade, ol' willow tree

    Help me clear this worried mind

    Feel the gentle summer breeze

    Let my spirit ride the wind

    High above the eagle's throne

    Let me rest here for awhile and play my song



    Let me rest here for awhile and play my song

    Forget about tomorrow 'til it's gone

    Nestled like a child

    In Mother Nature's arms

    Let me rest here for awhile and play my song


    In the quiet of a peaceful, starry night

    Lie beneath the summer moon

    See the beauty in it's light

    Feel the presence of the Father

    Watch the breaking of the dawn

    Let me rest here for awhile and play my song


    (Repeat chorus)




    Words & music by Buddy Greene


    There was a Pharisee

    Having supper with the Lord

    When a sinner woman came their way

    Well that woman began to weep

    And with her tears she washed His feet

    And she gave Him her heart


    Now the Pharisee

    Was a fine, upstanding man

    And he shook his head

    He could not love that woman

    For the sinful life she'd led

    So he hardened his heart

    And he fell way short of the mark



    Short of the mark

    Everytime you think you got it made

    It's lying there in the dark

    Another good intention mislaid

    Bring it into the light

    Cause the Lord has a better way

    If we give Him our hearts

    Instead of falling short of the mark


    In the world today

    There's a lot of folks

    Working hard just to get ahead

    And there's a lot of hungry mouths to feed

    And every other kind of need

    In the world today


    You might think you're alright

    And in the eyes of your friends

    You know you're just a good ol' boy

    And when it comes to your fellow man

    You say you're doing all you can

    But if you search your heart

    You might find you're falling short of the mark


    Repeat chorus

    Repeat chorus



    SINCE JESUS CAME INTO MY HEART (words by Rufus McDaniel, music by Charles Gabriel) /

    TENDER LOVE AND CARE (words and music by Buddy Greene)



    Since Jesus came into my heart

    Since Jesus came into my heart

    Floods of joy o'er my soul

    Like the sea billows roll

    Since Jesus came into my heart


    I had wandered o'er endless highways

    Needing a reason to carry on

    Life was troubled and so trying

    I felt that all my strength was gone

    But praise the Lord, He found me there

    Kept me from sinking in my despair

    He saved my soul by his mercy

    Gave me His tender love and care


    When there was no one left to guide me

    He was right there by my side

    I heard His message of forgiveness

    And I had nothing left to hide

    I turned it over to my Jesus

    Asked Him to save me from my sins

    He heard my prayer and He answered

    "Heaven is waiting, so come on in!"


    Now that I've found Him I'll never leave Him

    I know that he'll be faithful and true

    He's my savior and all of these things

    He's done for me He'll do for you

    Where he leads me I will follow

    And His love I will gladly share

    I'll never worry 'cause He's always

    There with His tender love and care




    Where He leads me I will follow

    And His love I will gladly share

    I'll never worry 'cause He's always

    There with His tender love and care




    words & music by Buddy Greene


    It's so easy to be a gossip

    It's so easy to betray my friends

    And it's easy to make it excuses

    But it's so hard to confess my sins.


    And it's simple to receive forgiveness

    To understand God takes away my sins

    Yes, it's simple to believe in Jesus

    But it's so hard to follow Him


    For He goes where I don't want to follow

    And He gives impossible commands.

    And though I put him off until tomorrow

    Still He loves me, this sinful man.


    I'm so quick to offer sagely advice

    And I'm quick to offer public prayer

    In the middle of these pious offerings,

    I'm often caught unaware

    By hidden attitudes of doubt and pretense

    That only underscore my unbelief

    And once again I cry for grace and mercy

    And once again He offers sweet relief


    Still He goes where I don't want to follow

    And He gives impossible commands.

    And though I put him off until tomorrow

    Still He loves me,

    Oh Jesus loves me,

    Though I'm sinful man.




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    public domain / arranged by Buddy Greene



    Praise to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Ghost

    Praise from the people of the earth and the heavenly host

    Sing Hallelujah to the Godhead, three in one

    Sing Hallelujah for the great things our Lord has done


    Creation sings to the glory of our Savior and Lord

    Salvation comes through Him alone

    The mercies of our God and Father flow through His Son

    His spirit works to make us one


    Repeat Chorus


    The Lord, our God, has paid the ransom with his own blood

    His work has set the captives free

    Rejoice all people for life that comes through faith in the Son

    His spirit lives in you and me


    Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in us adore Him

    All that has life and breath

    Come now with praises before Him

    Let the Amen sound from His people again

    Gladly for aye we adore Him


    Repeat first verse




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    When it all comes tumblin' down

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    When it all comes tumblin' down

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    There'll be nothin' you can do and nothin' you can say

    When it all comes tumblin' down.

    Will God see the blood when He looks your way,

    When it all comes tumblin down ?


    When it all comes tumblin' down

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    Now the mercy of the Lord will pardon you sin

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    And if you're saved by grace you'll be followin' Him

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    When it all comes tumblin' down

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    Well ya' reap what ya' sow along life's way

    So when it all comes tumblin down

    Don't be numbered with the goats on the judgement day

    When it all comes tumblin down


    When it all comes tumblin' down

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    There'll be nothin' you can do and nothin' you can say

    So will God see the blood when He looks your way,


    When it all comes tumblin' down

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    When it all comes tumblin' down

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down


    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down

    Will you be safe in the Lamb ?

    When it all comes tumblin' down




    written by Ashley Cleveland and Buddy Greene


    A virtuous woman came into my life

    The crown of her husband, an excellent wife

    She gives me more than I'll ever need

    This virtuous woman, a blessing indeed


    So skillfully busy with the work of her hands

    Tending her household and all it demands

    Clothed in her strength and her dignity

    My virtuous woman, a wonder to see



    And Jesus wants me to love her

    The way that He loves me

    Sacrificing my own desires

    Attending to her needs

    As He does for me


    Beauty is empty and charm a deceit

    But her steadfast love is a treasure to me

    No words of contention, no thorn in my side

    Just a virtuous woman, my beautiful bride


    Repeat bridge


    A virtuous woman came into my life

    The crown of her husband, an excellent wife

    She gives me more than I'll ever need

    This virtuous woman, a blessing indeed


    My virtuous woman, what a treasure to me




    words and music by Buddy Greene


    Charlie was a righteous man, he was saved by the blood of the Lamb

    And he loved this life but he longed for a better land

    And the older and wiser he got, the more he would place his lot

    On the things unseen and the hope of a heavenly plan


    Now, Charlie had a faithful wife, a few kids and a pretty good life

    And a pretty good sense that he didn't have a very long time

    And Charlie got sick and he never got well.

    But Charlie was ready and able to tell

    His grieving family the last thing on his mind. He said,




    "When I die you can put me in a box and bury my bones wherever you please

    You can cry and wail but it aint' gonna bother me

    'Cause (Charlie and I) I'll be a long-time gone to a bright and happy home

    Celebrating and singin and worshipping 'round my heavenly Father's throne

    Celebrating and singin and worshipping 'round my heavenly Father's throne."


    Now the sky was cold and gray at the funeral home that day

    And the friends and family gathered from far and wide

    And they all stood by Charlie's grave and they listened to the message the preacher gave

    And thought it was over when up stood Charlie's bride


    She said, "I'm sure glad to see you all here 'cause Charlie held you all so dear

    And he wants to see you all in heaven when it comes your time

    So if you want to die like Charlie died, you've gotta live like Charlie lived

    Loving God and people and longing for the other side."


    Now the tears and the silence and the cold and rain were not gonna have their way

    'Cause the hope of the resurrection was ringing through all she had to say

    And her love for Charlie and Jesus filled her heart in a woundrous way

    And the joy of the Lord spilled out of that child


    As everybody heard her say (she said...)


    Repeat Chorus




    Words and music by Buddy Greene


    I've never been able to find myself

    'Til I found me in you

    And I've never been able to love myself

    'Til I learned to love you

    Lord, you're everything I need

    No matter my wants, no matter my greed

    You're all I need


    I'd never be able to love my wife

    Like you want me to

    If at first I didn't give up my life

    And learn to trust you

    Cause you show how love's supposed to be

    Between me and her, between her and me

    You're all we need



    I was your prodigal son

    I was lost in the world, but now I am found

    And though I wander sometimes

    Still you're faithful to find me

    And bring me around


    Lord, I wanna be able to love my child

    The way you love me

    And I wanna be able to understand

    All he really needs

    Jesus, help me to see

    That the only way to be

    The best I can be is when I believe

    You're all I need

    Jesus, you're all I need

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